Tuesday 1 March 2011

London Design Awards 2011

Plumen 001, Hulger & Samuel Wilkinson, UK
Last week we got the train to Waterloo and walked the suprisingly long walk to the London Design Museum where the final nominations for the Brit Insurance Designs of the Year 2011 were being exhibited.
  On the first floor was a history of fashion design, as this is not our thing we skimmed over it quickly and headed up to take a look at the 'Main event'. The Exhibiton was interesting with designs ranging from books, through concrete shelters to sex aids for the physically impaired. The wide variety offered something to satisfy all tastes. One of the Designs that captured my attention immediately was a bizzarely shaped electric bicycle called 'The Yike'. My attention was first drawn to it due to its shape but also how bad i thought its name was. My opinion shifted however when i begun to watch the promotional video displaying just how efficiently it actually worked. It moved at a good speed across all mannor of terrains, was comfortable looking and capable of intricate maneuvers. It got me to thinking, i wonder if this could take off? Is there a place/want for this in todays world? and i suppose that is the point of the design awards, drawing a line of distinction between the ideas that are cool, clever and useful and ideas that really change the face of their industry. Sadly the amazing Yike didnt win its category and i think this is because it falls in to the first bracket of my this distinction.

 Boris Johnson's pay and ride Bike scheme was a winner at the awards. Rightfully so?

Right: My personal favourite entry, Swedish Interactive graphics agency Forsman & Bodenfors were nominated for the Graphics Award by David Kester for their Homemade is Best cookery book and iPhone app produced for their multinational client of 15 years, IKEA. As part of a larger marketing campaign for Swedish brand, Forsman & Bodenfors realised that excitement for a new IKEA kitchens could be harnessed by influencing the consumers idea of life within it.
A colourful, visually exciting introduction to Swedish baking, Homemade is Best presents 30 recipes in an innovative new fashion. Taking inspiration from Japanese minimalism these carefully composed graphic still lifes bring the ingredients centrestage, the result being a playful new look at the traditional presentation of cookery.

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